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Copper is an essential nutrient which our body needs in a small amount to maintain good health. Copper plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells, bone cells, enzymes, and connective tissues.

The nutrient also helps to maintain the immune system, cholesterol, and nerve cells. It is best for pregnant ladies for the growth and development of their child.

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acne, anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, Blog, Ingredients, memory booster, prostate, psoriasis -

C R E A M  O F  T A R T A R

Scientific Name: Potassium hydrogen tartrate
Alternative Names: Potassium bi-tartrate 

Cream of tartar is a common baking ingredient also helps to stabilized egg whites and whip cream on cake and pastries. It is used in cleaning purposes such as removing permanent spots from surface or floor.

Cream tartar was first discovered in a wine container in Iran in the 17th century. A scientist, Jean Baptiste Biot, found out its physical properties.

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Blog, Nutrients, vitamin c, vitamins -


Vitamin C is an effective and healthy nutrient that our bodies need. It is powerful antioxidant and is also called L-ascorbic Acid.

Many fruits and vegetables contain the vitamin. It helps to improve the immune system, avoid eye diseases, and lower the risk of chronic diseases.

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anti-anxiety, anxiety, Blog, depression, insomnia, stress -

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, fear, and alarm about what's to come. It’s the body's natural response to stress and pressure. Most people feel nervous and stressed under certain conditions for example the first day of school, going to a job interview, or a speech competition. That’s normal. But if these anxious feelings or severe stress last for a much longer time, such as more than six months, or if these feelings affect your day-to-day life, you may have an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety affects daily life activities; it can be extremely challenging to manage and can become permanent. A person suffering from the disorder may avoid such situations to prevent anxiety or stress.

Types of Anxiety

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Blog, chinese, ginseng, memory booster -

G I N S E N G Scientific Name: Panax ginsengAlternative Names: American ginseng, Chinese ginseng, Korean ginseng, man-root, Schinsent We use ginseng in our very popular Memory Booster product. Ginseng is usually marketed as an energy and sexual vitality booster. However, the root also provides a wide range of cognitive and mental health benefits. For thousands of years, Chinese medicine has used the root to aid with memory loss. Especially in aging adults. The belief is that it can improve learning and overall memory. Many studies support their claims. There has even been studies done on people who suffer from Alzheimer’s. Patients were given 4.5...

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