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S T I N G I N G    N E T T L E

Scientific Name: Urtica dioica

Alternative Name: Gulmehndi

Stinging nettle is a plant with pointed leaves that usually reaches a height of 2-4 metres.

The herbaceous shrub is originally from the colder regions of northern Europe and Asia. Nowadays though, it grows all over the world. Stinging nettle grows well in nitrogen-rich soil and blooms between June and September.

It has incredible medicinal properties. This is why nettle was used fas a treatment for lower back pain and arthritis for hundreds of years. Furthermore, ground parts of the plant are considered beneficial for diabetes. This is because it can help regulate blood sugar levels.

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Scientific Name: Prunus dulcis

According to archeologists, almond trees were first discovered in 3000 B.C. in Jordan. They are cultivated in many countries such as India, Pakistan, Iran, Spain, the United States, and Morocco.

The nuts are packed with many vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Additionally, they are a great source of protein and healthy fats.

Furthermore, they contain anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. This is why health experts usually suggest to consume a handful or 8 to 11 almonds daily.

They are incredibly healthy and versatile; you can

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Scientific Name: Theobroma Cacao
Alternative Names: Cacao Tree, Cacao Bean, Chocolate Tree

Native to South America, the cacao tree was first domesticated 5,000 years ago. The beans from these trees are picked and go through limited processing. They ultimately become the cacao powder we are more familiar with.

Due to their rich nutrient content, cacao beans are known as the ultimate Amazonian superfood. They are rich in Tryptophan, an essential amino acid, which your body converts into the brain's "happy chemical", serotonin. This can help fight depression and reduce anxiety.

Their rich antioxidant content means that they can help lower your risk of many cancers, diseases and ageing. Did you know that cacao contains 40 times more antioxidants than blueberries?!

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