We are now ISO 22000:2018 registered!
We are proud to announce that we are now ISO 22000:2018 registered! ISO is a prestigious internationally recognised standard that ensures our products and services exceed the quality standards through an effective quality management system.
It was our decision to undergo the ISO 22000:2018 standard.
Amazon UK: Anti-Inflammatory
How Far Has it Travelled?
The Anti-Inflammatory product was the first of our product line that we listed on Amazon UK. This was a very days before New Year's last year.
In nearly four months, we have been tracking where the product has been ordered from. We were both amazed at how far some of the orders had gone! Including, Isle of Lewis, Jersey, and Guernsey. We have almost covered all of England. I think there's only perhaps six or seven counties left!
When I saw this, I had to have a bit of fun with an interactive map of the UK. It's incredible:
- All
- acne
- Amazon
- Amazon UK
- amino acid
- anti-anxiety
- anti-inflammatory
- anxiety
- Blog
- blood pressure
- cacao
- case study
- chinese
- cholesterol
- deficiency
- depression
- energy
- fenugreek
- ginseng
- high blood pressure
- hypertension
- hypothyroidism
- immune booster
- immune system
- ingredient spotlight
- Ingredients
- insomnia
- iodine
- manganese
- memory booster
- mineral
- minerals
- monkeypox
- moringa
- moringa oleifera
- natural skin
- natural thyroxine
- nutrient deficiencies
- nutrient spotlight
- Nutrients
- prostate
- psoriasis
- selenium
- skin
- stress
- testimonial
- thyroid
- thyroxine
- turmeric
- turmeric curcumin
- UK
- underactive thyroid
- updates
- vitamin
- vitamin a
- vitamin c
- vitamins
- zinc