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We're very glad to announce the launch of our Natural Skin product!

Although we are launching this product now, it's actually been a significant portion of our Psoriasis Relief product!  The secret behind the power of the Psoriasis product is that the composition includes a mixture of our number one Anti-Inflammatory product and our brand 'new' Natural Skin supplement.

To maintain our exceptionally high standards of efficiency, the formula has gone through thorough testing and quality assurance over the past few years. Pleased to announce that the product is now available for sale in the UK & Cyprus.

So, what makes this product so special?

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A pandemic, global inflation, a war, job loss, global warming, fluctuating lifestyles, uncertain futures,  I think it’s safe to say, we’re all stressed.

Don’t get me wrong, some stress is good, positive even. When you’re up late at night trying to meet that report deadline, or when you have that big fight with your partner. This type of stress is needed as it helps our bodies manage a ‘dangerous’ situation.

I’m talking about the long term chronic stress. When you have stress that lasts for a long period of time, that’s when the problem begins. Why? Because usually, people who are chronically stressed, are so used to being…chronically stressed, that they don’t realize they’re... chronically stressed.

Chronic stress is detrimental to our bodies. The reason why is because...

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Selenium is a trace mineral (required in small amounts only) vital for our health. We are not able to produce selenium as it is mainly found in soil and water. This means that it's crucial we consume foods that contain the mineral and/or take a supplement.

It plays a major role in numerous body processes including immune system support and thyroid hormones production. Therefore, it isn't surprising that people who suffer from hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) are deficient in selenium, as well as iodine. A healthy thyroid gland is important since it regulates your metabolism and controls growth and development.

A recent study showed.....

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Scientific Name: Theobroma Cacao
Alternative Names: Cacao Tree, Cacao Bean, Chocolate Tree

Native to South America, the cacao tree was first domesticated 5,000 years ago. The beans from these trees are picked and go through limited processing. They ultimately become the cacao powder we are more familiar with.

Due to their rich nutrient content, cacao beans are known as the ultimate Amazonian superfood. They are rich in Tryptophan, an essential amino acid, which your body converts into the brain's "happy chemical", serotonin. This can help fight depression and reduce anxiety.

Their rich antioxidant content means that they can help lower your risk of many cancers, diseases and ageing. Did you know that cacao contains 40 times more antioxidants than blueberries?!

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Is it possible to lose weight with an underactive thyroid?

Yes. According to health experts, it is possible for people who are diagnosed with an underactive thyroid to lose extra weight. However, it will, of course, be more challenging than for people without thyroid issues.

An underactive thyroid, otherwise known as hypothyroidism, is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient thyroid hormones. These hormones are required for our bodies to function properly. According to a report, about 5% of the total population suffers from hypothyroidism. An iodine deficiency is the major cause and worldwide, it is more common in women.

Worryingly, about 5% of all hypothyroidism cases go un-diagnosed.

What is the Relationship Between the Thyroid Gland & Weight?

The relationship between the two is a very complex one.

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